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“Keep Holding Men of That Sort Dear”
SINCE 1992, the Governing Body has appointed experienced, mature Christian elders to help its committees carry out their work.* These helpers, from among the “other sheep,” provide valuable support to the Governing Body. (John 10:16) They attend the weekly meeting of the committee to which they are assigned, providing background information and offering suggestions. The Governing Body members make the final decisions, but the helpers implement the committee’s direction and carry out whatever assignments they are given. The helpers accompany Governing Body members to special and international conventions. They may also be assigned to visit branch offices as headquarters representatives.
One of the helpers who has served since the arrangement was instituted says: “When I take care of my assigned tasks, the Governing Body can concentrate more fully on spiritual matters.” Looking back over his two decades of serving as a helper, another brother observes: “It has been a privilege beyond anything I could ever have anticipated.”
The Governing Body entrusts much to its helpers and appreciates the fine service performed by these loyal, hardworking brothers. May we all “keep holding men of that sort dear.”—Phil. 2:29.
See the box “How the Governing Body Cares for Kingdom Interests” in chapter 12 of the book God’s Kingdom Rules! for a summary of the responsibilities that are cared for by the six committees of the Governing Body.
Helpers to Governing Body Committees
Coordinators’ Committee |
Personnel Committee |
Publishing Committee |
Service Committee |
Teaching Committee |
Writing Committee |